Refunds and Exchanges

Refunds on Commissions

All commissions are final and paid after delivery. Doesn’t matter if you changed your mind or for XYZ situation you no longer need the illustration, the work was done as agreed and time and labor cannot be rolled back.

In case you need a modification, feel free to request a modification or request an entirely new illustration.

Changes and modifications

You can request modifications and alterations on existing illustrations on the licensing catalog or the illustration you already commissioned.

The fees are estimated case by case and may take 1-2 business days to complete, depending on how busy I am at the moment.

Please get in touch with me, I’ll be happy to accommodate.

Refunds On Licensed Illustrations

Purchased licenses are final. 

If you purchased a license and would like to buy an upgrade version, fill this form and we’ll only charge you the difference.

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